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Weird bug

7,586 DimitriIqbal91  4.9 years ago

So I encountered this bug when Im testing my custom missile. The bug is that my joystick is unusable after I destroyed 2 destroyers with the custom missile. What caused the bug and how to fix it?

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    @Kendog84 ah, thanks, i didn't knew that happens like that in the new version. This question was back before explosion scale can be changed around so I had to use another weapon (a bomb for most of the time) as the warhead.

    2.2 years ago
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    26.4k Kendog84

    You may have solved this already, but in my testing this always happened if explosionScale of the core missile (or any other bomb/missile used on it) was set to 0. If this is the cause, solution is to simply set it higher than 0.

    2.2 years ago
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    This always happens to me.if the explosion is large the joystick is stuck

    3.4 years ago