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New account details...

5,945 JamesG771  5.0 years ago

So... 1'000 points eh?
I dont know how to thank you all enough, I never would have thought id get this far as a creator on this website, ive been doing SP do a while now and I cant believe ive only just figured out how do write announcements of the forum page and get to 1'000 followers.
As for the account, ill be making a few changes in light of recent IRL events, new challenges that will be featured in a new and exclusive YouTube channel (I will notify when up and running), and some old aircraft I made a while back re-visited. id also like to start making some passenger aircraft and modern props, So as a result...

AA proudly sponsors a community vote, we want you (the community) to bring ideas to the table, Any aircraft ideas you have comment them down below \/, and I will be reading them on the 27th of this March and on the 28th I will make that aircraft. I hope to hear from you all soon...