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Basically my timeline in stuff

26.7k MakotoIto  4.9 years ago

Before i had a computer about five years ago, i was just some kid. 12 years old, then i bought a computer (ipod 4 XD). Got to go to the USS Iowa, and it all spiraled up from there.

Took this picture on Iowa, i love it.

The game timeline went like this:

Warship Craft
Warship craft
Warship craft
Some other stuff idk, the games above served me the most on this journey

Then, somewhere between the same game of warshipcraft, in 2018, i joined some Warship Craft server. Some guy named Jules joined, flexed, and absolutely flexed the universe. Then i joined Conscripted hub. I was already having a discord since 2017, but this was different. It was... a thing! Then i got gud, joined an empty server, and became like jules, but Euv. I will also make things unnecessarily complex, so yeet.