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How to PRESENT your PLANE. Presentation is KEY.

235k jamesPLANESii  5.0 years ago

Presenting your craft well is incredibly important. It is literally the difference between 5 upvotes and 50 upvotes. It is the difference between 100 downloads and 2000 downloads. It is impossible to overstate how important presenting your plane well is!

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to properly present your plane

1. Choosing your paint scheme wisely helps

If you’re on mobile, your background is an irreversible, drab, dark grey. It’s like, the least stand-out-y colour in the universe. Because the background is so dark and boring, you need to give your craft a paint scheme that makes the craft stand out.
If you have a plane, I highly recommend having a quite bright paint scheme, for example, having a main colour of white and having a bright coloured trim with maybe a small amount of black for contrast. With cars, just go all out with bright colours (maybe not magenta though), and maybe a stripe.


2. Using a background also helps... but be wise about it

Having a background can give you more freedom on your livery colours, and it can make your build more eye catching.
However, simply using a background on your screenshots isn’t a scapegoat to instantly increase the number of upvotes you’re gonna get. It helps, but you can get way more by doing these techniques
I highly recommend using a contrasting background. For example, you don’t really want to be taking a screenshot of a brown and green Spitfire while in stormy weather around Krakabloa, for example. What I recommend is with dark or drab coloured planes, taking the screenshots in light, desert biomes is generally best. I fact, you should probably take most of your screenshots in desert biomes like Maywar. It makes your screenshots stand out the best.
With very bright planes however, especially single coloured planes like a bright yellow Tigermoth or a bright coloured hot air balloon, a screenshot in the blue sky or in front of the ocean might be best.
Also make sure your light source (the sun) is behind the camera.

3. Get the right angle

Your aim when getting the angle is to get an angle where you can see as much of the plane and details as possible, that you don’t cut the nose and tail off, and that you fill the image; which, I forgot to do on that FreedomFox screenshot... :p.
Generally a really good location to take your screenshots with planes is from the top-right, a little lower than the default camera in the designer is.
And if your plane is a GA high wing aircraft, a screenshot on the ground from the front is best.
With cars, I highly recommend decreasing your FoV to between 25 degrees and 45 degrees and taking it from the front so you can easily see the front and side of the car.
The script to change the FoV are these:
Designer: //Designer(clone)/CameraTarget/Camera>Camera.set_FieldOfView (string)

1. //MainCamera>Camera.set_FieldOfView (string)
2. //CameraPlane>Camera.set_FieldOfView (string)

Apparently there’s a way to set the field of view in the level using only one script, but I’ve forgotten it.
Another great thing to do is angle your screenshots so the details are easily visible. Details especially get clicks from people, especially when you can see them in the low resolution thumb nail.
Another thing, always make sure your reflections are turned up to the max (it barely effects the frame rate, tested on my iPad mini 1) and most importantly, DO NOT EVER USE ORTHO VIEW!!! It looks absolutely terrible! It’s like sabotage! If you like it, your opinion is wrong!

[BTW, this plane is a perfect example of why you shouldn’t paint your plane black. Just observe how much it blends in with the background!]

4. The description

There’s a bit of a myth where people think that having a looooooooooooooooong description is better. It’s not. People can’t be bothered to read it. They skip over it, then they complain that your plane doesn’t fly properly Kevin.
Keep it relatively short to a point that people can read it without being overwhelmed. Use headings so people can easily navigate to how to control the craft or see a little backstory. Add in-game screenshots of your craft doing things to make people think the plane is cooler.
Descriptions make your plane look professional and show that you actually care about your craft.

Take a look around at some older player’s descriptions for some ideas.

Standing out in the sea of planes

This is what it all adds up to. Your eye is attracted to things that are brighter, more colourful, and stand out.
Take a look at a few pages down the newest section

And now take a look at the highest rated section

Do you see just how much the highest rated section stands out? And how our eyes are instantly draw to these bright thumb nails? Try working on that. :)

I hope this helps! :)

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    btw if your looking to update your guide >>CameraManagerScript..SetCameraFov (string)
    is the command for fov in level

    Pinned 4.0 years ago
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    I’ve explained No. 1 as if you don’t have a background on purpose. You don’t need a background. You just have to be wiser about your livery if you’re on mobile.

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    24.0k FeatherWing

    This is definitely good for people who need it.
    But I will say something about paint jobs. Please for the love of God, do not use a lot of neon colours, preferably none, as this just makes things harder to look at. I would die these colours down. For example, you could use pastel colours instead of neon colours.

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    even if you can't change your background because of (hurr mobile) you can literally just add upscaled fuselage panel to act as a "background" I mean come on do you really need to use mods for everything

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    How do I take a screen shot during flight?!?!

    4.3 years ago
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    47.8k 50CalChicken

    I actually learned something this week

    4.3 years ago
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    Well I understand something today👍

    4.3 years ago
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    1,537 RedBaronBR

    Everything is correct, but if you pay attention you will see that the best rated section is totally without exception fried on the PC, it is almost impossible to make a good "advertisement" of buildings in a mobile

    4.6 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    I am limited due to the fact that I make military plane replicas, which are often dull in color. I rarely do fictional vehicles.

    4.6 years ago
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    You could have got a lot more if you used a better background ;) @JohnnyBoythePilot

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    "For example, you don’t really want to be taking a screenshot of a brown and green Spitfire while in stormy weather around Krakabloa..."
    Me: uploads a drone build that features a thumbnail showing a dark-ish grey drone flying under a dark stormy overcast and you can barely see it
    Also me: gets roughly 1,000 downloads combined (across all variants) and +20 upvotes

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    You know the second part is nice and all.. of you aren’t on mobile.

    5.0 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @Adityo0502 you can just tell them to remove the piece off after downloading it.
    Look. Like I said before, I'm not forcing anyone to follow it because "mobile = everything is 100% harder". It's either you do it or suck it up and try something else/ just upload it as it is.

    5.0 years ago
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    8,762 BlunderBirb

    @exosuit Heres the thing with using an upscaled part though. Although it will make a slightly better thumbnail, as a single color is obviously not a huge improvement, it will just become a part of the build, as you cant remove a piece after taking screenshots. Its just gonna be there on the designer monochromes and everything. Which is never good because you obviously dont want a stray huge piece of fuselage in a build that youve worked hard on to make it perfect. Its not that easy for mobile man.

    +3 5.0 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @Fancyguyy no problem

    5.0 years ago
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    @exosuit Thanks For the suggestion!

    5.0 years ago
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    Lol @BaconAircraft

    5.0 years ago
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    Lol who uploads anymore? Pppfttt

    +5 5.0 years ago
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    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @exosuit @TheCreatorandDestroyer99

    5.0 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @TheCreatorandDestroyer99 the only reason I use custom thumbnail was because the name was too long for the site to display it. If the name fits then I wouldn't have to edit the thumbnail and just use the picture I got from the designer.
    I do need to include "hurr mobile" because mobile users are the only one who complains about this. If they don't even want to bother adding a single piece to "fix" their sad thumbnail then suck it up and deal with it. No one is forcing them to use custom thumbnails anyways.
    Also, chill out. @exosuit
    I'm always chill. Even if I get kind of angry because people would always use excuses after excuses on how their PC or laptop or their phones are too weak and therefore couldn't use custom thumbnail, atleast after 5 minutes I'll be back working on my build while they're going to keep complaining and improve nothing.
    Just saying

    5.0 years ago
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    Also, chill out. @exosuit

    5.0 years ago
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    Your comment makes no sense, I’m confused at why you’re getting an attitude with me when what I said was “That’s easy to say when you don’t have to use a solid, single colored back ground.”. I’m referring to the fact that you include custom photographs in your recent build’s thumbnails, and that you think that a solid colored fuselage piece can somehow be an adequate replacement for that. So much in fact that you felt the need to include “hurr mobile” in your comment. @exosuit

    5.0 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @TheCreatorandDestroyer99 oh you tell me then since you know way more than me

    5.0 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    Um you left out my f-16 Im TRIGGERED. lol jk

    5.0 years ago
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    That’s easy to say when you don’t have to use a solid, single colored back ground. @exosuit

    5.0 years ago
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