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WWII Fictional Fighter Challenge Results!

5,117 SchadeAircaftCompany  4.8 years ago

So I spent many hours dogfighting, flying, and calculating these aircraft, and man were some close. So I went on a 30 point system, divided into 3 sections (that’s 10 points per section). The first was Dogfighting, since there were 9 entries I added 2 of my aircraft (my Me-119 and SchArCo Buster) to get full 10 matches for each aircraft (they couldn’t win, it was just to equal out to 10). The second was Handling, a combination of stability and maneuverability, worth 10 points. Finally was Design, which was scored from Originality, Realism, and Details. Finally without further ado, starting with the winners going down:

Entry: Cortina TR530 Hawker SXE
Designer: @jacephysicsboss
DF points: 9/10
Hand. Points: 9/10
Dsgn. Points: 5/10
Total Points: 23/30

Entry: Hawker Monsoon Mk. II
Designer: @Tonnkatu500
DF points: 8/10
Hand. Points: 7/10
Dsgn. Points: 8/10
Total Points: 23/30

Entry: Fiat G.57
Designer: @Trijets
DF points: 5/10
Hand. Points: 6/10
Dsgn. Points: 10/10
Total Points: 21/30

Entry: Prototype Nexus
Designer: @teodor99
DF points: 5/10
Hand. Points: 7/10
Dsgn. Points: 7/10
Total Points: 19/30

Entry: Type-5 Super Zero
Designer: @TheMitsuboshiBoi
DF points: 5/10
Hand. Points: 7/10
Dsgn. Points: 7/10
Total Points: 19/30

Entry: Starjet
Designer: @Cabbage17
DF points: 5/10
Hand. Points: 7/10
Dsgn. Points: 7/10
Total Points: 19/30

Entry: Shishkov Sh-21 Medved
Designer: @SimplyPlain
DF points: 0/10
Hand. Points: 5/10
Dsgn. Points: 10/10
Total Points: 15/30

Entry: EP-14 Jimbo
Designer: @GeneralPatrick2
DF points: 2/10
Hand. Points: 4/10
Dsgn. Points: 4/10
Total Points: 10/30

Entry: TA-4 modified
Designer @Pufferfish0749
DF points: 1/10
Hand. Points: 2/10
Dsgn. Points: 5/10
Total Points: 8/30

So as the points say, there’s 2 first place, a single second place, and 3 third place winners, since I gave them points based off themselves alone, and many scored the same as a result, so each place winner will still be given their earned reward. Thank you to all who participated and gave your best plane forward. A new one will come out soon, with better rewards and a better challenge.


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    Also to anyone who’s curious, The Me-119 and SchArCo Buster both got 8/10 on dogfighting, the Me-119 lost to the Type-5 Super Zero and the Cortina TR530, while the SchArCo Buster lost to the Hawker Monsoon and Cortina TR530

    Pinned 4.8 years ago
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    10.5k MacgravelLTD

    wooo, the best of my company

    4.7 years ago
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    10.6k Trijetz

    @SchadeAircaftCompany yes it would, there might be other ways to get links to pictures as well

    4.7 years ago
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    Well I’m kinda using mobile lol, and don’t have discord, but would it still work?@Trijets

    4.7 years ago
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    10.6k Trijetz

    @SchadeAircaftCompany hmm ok, try posting in a discord server, get go to open original when you click on the picture, and it will give you picture link.

    4.7 years ago
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    It was fun watching them all honestly, and I have pictures from the fights but wouldn’t let me paste them in unfortunately @Trijets

    4.7 years ago
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    10.6k Trijetz

    @SchadeAircaftCompany oh okay

    4.7 years ago
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    I’ll make sure to give it a longer time for people who build slow or are busy often@FearlessAce

    4.7 years ago
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    So everyone fought all the entries, plus my 2 aircraft, for you though, you beat: EP-14, Sh-21, Type-5, TA-4, and Cortina TR530. You were shot down by: Starjet, Monsoon, Nexus, Me-119, and Buster. So a 5 to 5 score@Trijets

    4.7 years ago
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    10.6k Trijetz

    I would like to know who I fought and how I died or won, this was a nice challenge to attend :)

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    Sorry I couldn't upload my plane It was a busy day. I'll try be on the next challenge

    4.8 years ago
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    Well eventually soon I’m gonna do another similar challenge, with the same grading scale, but don’t know what or when I’ll do it @Galland

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    10.8k Galland

    Ha ha, it's very interesting. I really want to take part in it

    4.8 years ago
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    4.8 years ago
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    @Trijets @teodor99 @jacephysicsboss

    4.8 years ago
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    @TheMitsuboshiBoi @Pufferfish0749 @Tonnkatu500

    4.8 years ago
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    @GeneralPatrick2 @Cabbage17 @SimplyPlain

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    @SchadeAircaftCompany np

    4.8 years ago
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    Oh really? Didn’t know that thanks@ChisP

    4.8 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    you can only tag three people per comment btw

    4.8 years ago