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Loss of control glitch

3,892 Fighterpilot91  4.9 years ago

I've been having a problem with this glitch for a while now and it's really getting annoying.
I will start a "flight" and shortly after I loose all controls. When this happens I can still move controls I am already touching but cannot pick up a new one or lift and replace my finger on any I was already touching.
I also can still zoom but like normal but cannot pivot the camera. I also cannot exit the flight or open menus and settings.

The only way I can fix it is to press the home button twice remove the app from the background and open it again.

Ps. While writing this I had an idea, i am on iOS11 could that be the root cause of the problem?

It seems to be more common on some builds but I haven't pinpointed the problem, any ideas?

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    28.4k goboygo1

    I have this problem sometimes also, it seems to only occur when I destroy my own craft with explosive cannon shells. I'm on andriod.

    4.9 years ago