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The SimplePlanes War Pt 1

2,629 Makerofplanes  5.0 years ago

General Kreeb heard the radio cackling and walked over to it. He heard a voice saying,”This is Delta. Bombers inbound. Prepare for ground attack.”. About 15 minutes later he saw a C24 Bomber on the horizon. He knew that ment the Arc Drones were on the way. He signaled his small force of Pigpens to attack while he looked at the horizon. He saw an Arc Drone in tight combat with his Pigpens. They made short work of it, as it was considerably slower. But he knew that meant the more advanced models were probably escorting the C24. He grabbed a bystanding grunt’s binoculars and looked at the bomber. It was true, not far off were 3 Arc 6.5’s. Not many minutes later he went into his bunker, realizing that they were in range of Cleavers. He knew he only had one CIWS, and if the kept on firing missiles at the base one would eventually get through. It wasn’t long before the barrage commenced and he heard the faint rumbling of an inbound cleaver, about 3 minutes later the rumbling stopped and he heard a faint explosion.He knew that he could survive the Cleavers and Infernos, but he knew that the bombs on the C24 would make short work of his outpost. It wasn’t long before the first missile hit, exploding his AA turrets with relative ease. His remaining turrets were exploded. He had to release his secret weapon. He gave the signal and soon after a Lockheed Martin F-22 started taxiing and was ready to fight. It made short work of most of the Arc Drones, but then the Arc 6.5’s arrived. They barraged the fighter with bullets, and it effortlessly screamed out of distance. The Wing Commander order one of the fleet members to give chase. The rest continued escorting. The chasing one put on full speed in order to catch up to the Lockheed. It was not as fast, but close behind. The Arc began trying to lock on the Lockheed, but it’s incredible speed and agility proved the try useless. Then, the Arc pilot got an idea. He put on a burst of speed, activated a countermeasure, temporarily blinding the Lockheed. Then, the Arc fired a Guardian. The Lockheed pilot was too busy trying to regain control of the plane to notice his death approaching close behind. That was it for the Lockheed and it’s legendary design.
That’s all for now,

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    Thanks for upvoting ppl

    5.0 years ago
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    I chose a Lockheed Martin Blackbird. It isn’t mentioned in the story though.@TheMachinist

    5.0 years ago
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    It is not exactly clear, but the outpost is refurbished from a previous war and since it being an outpost the availability of cargo aircraft is small, and the ones who would be on the way there would be sabotaged. 2- I wasn’t aware that Pigpens had digital capturing capabilities, and thanks for the feedback. I will change some things to make it more correct. You were right, a Pigpen is not a reconnaissance aircraft so I will change it for something else. What else do you like about the story? Please tell me. I fixed some of the issues.@TheMachinist

    5.0 years ago
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    Ok. I’ll add more combat stuff rn@LastManStanding

    5.0 years ago
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    @Makerofplanes i can try to @Makerofplanes

    5.0 years ago
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    Thanks, do you want to write the second part@LastManStanding

    5.0 years ago
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    wooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!! cool story

    5.0 years ago