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First Forum Post and 2 New Planes

3,741 Fluffy41000  4.9 years ago

Because got bored and realized it's been 4 years since I bought the game and shared my creations, I decided to make my first forum post and I have 2 planes to announce.

Both planes are the result of a decision that I took, I will not make any actual cockpits anymore in an aircraft. The reason for this is because it makes the process of making it look good from the outside just a pain.

The first is an upgrade of the H-22GM Sparrow that I called the H-22GM Sparrow II to keep things simple, but when I say upgrade, it really means redone. It may look similar, but a lot as changed (cockpit, tail fin, shape of the wings, more realistic pylons, tweaks in the landing gears suspensions, etc...).

H-22GM Sparrow II

However, I have decided to not post it, as the current H-22 as probably received enough upgrades. But this decision could change if you ask for it (which I assume you won't).

The second plane is an entirely new design called the L-1A Colt. It is a fighter/bomber with lovely dual 60mm canons filled with 160 explosive rounds that makes wonders and is very effective to destroy convoys and bridges. I first wanted to make a swept wing carrier based interceptor like the F-111 was supposed to be. But as I progressed, it started looking like a mixture of a Boeing T-7 and a Mitsubishi T-2.

L-1A Colt

Yet, it will not be posted either, until I can make it fly properly and not having the turn rate of the whole Texas. Seriously, the "bomber" turns quicker than this.

Anyway, I hope you are safe and sound at home, you didn't buy a truck of toilet paper and you don't go outside more than necessary, see you soon.