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Im running into an unavoidable problem

26.7k FishMiner  4.9 years ago

As the title states, in running into an issue.
Basically, I'm working on a sailboat thats over 300ft long. As part of the design the mast and sails need to rotate. However anyone who has tried to put rotors on a large craft will tell you how weird and buggy they get. They flop around all over the place and make the thing unusable.

If you have a solution to this issue, please comment instructions on how to enact this solutin. If you dont, please upvote this post so that someone who does is more likely to see it.

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    26.7k FishMiner

    @Aeromen This will work.
    Thanks for the help.

    4.9 years ago
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    26.7k FishMiner

    @Aeromen Because steam is weird.
    Thank you for your patience.

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    26.7k FishMiner

    @Aeromen problem: i couldnt find the aircaft file. I play the game through steam if that helps at all.

    4.9 years ago
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    146k Feanor

    You can add "damperMultiplier" to <JointRotator.State so it looks like <JointRotator.State range="30" speed="0.3" damperMultiplier="100" />
    Add more 0s if its still too wobbly.

    Stacking rotators can also help. Like turning a rotator with a 90 degree range into three rotators with 30 a degree range.

    EDIT: Suggested rotator configuration for your build would be:
    Two rotators with "damperMultiplier="100000"

    +2 4.9 years ago
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    26.7k FishMiner

    @Aeromen thank you good sir!

    4.9 years ago