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Engine power limited by height

26.8k RASEN1914  5.0 years ago

It is possible to make an engine power limitation by altitude?

Via funky trees I've tried these two configurations;

  • PID ( 58.61, TAS, 0.1, 0, 0.1 ) -> These one works, but limits the dive capacities
  • Throttle+clamp(Altitude - 1000,Throttle0.2,Throttle0)+clamp(Altitude - 2000,Throttle0.2,Throttle0)+...repeating for all the altitudes until 5000 -> These one is not working as i want.

Anyone know if this is possible in any way?

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    26.8k RASEN1914

    @randomusername @Galland Thanks for the reply to both of you.

    The pow(0.9999, Altitude) * Throttle works exactly as i want, but the other one is very useful for my future creations.

    Thank u guys!

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    10.8k Galland

    1.1Throttle(1-AltitudeAltitude/200000000)+(-LandingGear)Throttle0.1+clamp(Altitude - 3000,Throttle-0.025,Throttle0)+clamp(Altitude - 6000,Throttle-0.025,Throttle0)
    The power of the engine will decrease with the increase of altitude, and the higher the altitude, the greater the power attenuation. The supercharger will be opened at altitude of 11480ft (3500m) and 21325ft (6500m), and each supercharger will use 2.5% of the engine power.

    +1 5.0 years ago