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Focke-Wulf Ta "Krokodilwächter" (Drawing Nr.0310/025-1006) Pre-release teaser

9,447 vcharng  5.0 years ago

Hi, everyone, I hereby represent...

The Focke-Wulf "Krokodilwächter" (Crocodile Bird)!

Officially only exist in blueprints and is known as Drawing Nr.0310/025-1006, this aircraft was designed in July 1944, likely by Kurt Tank. The intended purpose is a all-weather fighter aircraft.

I'm not so sure if painting an eye on the side of the front fuselage is a good idea... please tell me what you think about it.

This is what the cockpit interior looks like.
Aside from the AFN 2 radio navigation equipment (fully operational), I also added a reflector sight and a ammo counter (lower left of the instrument panel). Oh I forgot to say that I also added mirrors.... sadly it doesn't work because reflections in SP doesn't reflect any entities (including any artificial buildings, you can't even see the runway in reflections.)

The aircraft is armed with 2 MG213/20 rotary cannons (125 rounds per gun historically, 126 here for easier calculation) and 2x MK103 30mm autocannons (46 rounds per gun historically, 50 rounds here in the game)

I plan to arm it with R4M or WGr 21 rockets.

This aircraft should be released within a week or so.

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    9,447 vcharng

    @asteroidbook345 I tried to fly near a huge plane with like 50 meter wingspan, it still didn't reflect. But it does reflect smoke and explosion effects...

    5.0 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @asteroidbook345 I checked again and it was in "static high".
    and yes it's now reflecting runways (although very blur), I'm gonna try if it reflects entites...

    5.0 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @asteroidbook345 I think I'm using that. But it still works for terrain, not artificial buildings and definitely not entities.

    5.0 years ago