TL;DR: Yes, it is, only if you have a modem around.
Earlier in the year, Windows 2000 turned 20. It was probably one of the first operating systems to be released in the new millenium, as it was released at the beginning of the year. Now, 20 years after the release, technology has advanced more and more, and Windows 2000 is now considered abandonware. This covers the different options available in WIndows 2000, and if it's still okay to use.
This OS has a decent amount of features, including Paint, Notepad, and if you have an old modem, Internet Explorer 5. So, you can do almost anything on this OS as you would expect on a 2000's computer, which makes this OS still decent
in features.
cOnNeCt To ThE iNtErNet
Congratulations you have found my old forum posts! Well right now my laptop (which has an i3 btw) is not charged so ill see later @NexusGaming
@XP can it play simpleplanes
also can you do a video to see if windows longhorn plays simpleplanes better pre (builds 3670 through 4093) or post reset (everything after 4093)
The copyright in the startup screen is from 1999 @CrashFighter05
Retail release date @CrashFighter05
If im still using windows 7 XP Professional then why won't it works? My computer still runs since 2004
Lol it was released in December 1999, not 2000