One of the main pieces of feedback I got on my stop using orthographic view in your screenshots forum post was that people were saying you can see more of your plane in orthographic view. This is a fair point.
This is literally the only advantage to orthographic view. Everything else looks worse.
What you can do instead is change your FoV! Here’s how!
This is what you type in:
And then, you just type in the FoV you want! Default is 60. Bake sure you have a space before you type in your FoV. Like this
Then all you need to do is press execute or press enter, and bam. You have changed your FoV.
FoV: 60
FoV: 40
Much better looking than Ortho view!
20-40 degrees is pretty good because you can see way more of your plane like on Orthographic view, except you don’t get any of the dumb stuff that Ortho view has like a lack of depth perception, weird reflections, warped proportions, any of that stuff! Lower FoVs look way better.
Also, you can zoom out as well, so if you want to take a picture of something like a whole cockpit, you can zoom out!
A forum was made a couple of years ago about this by someone else, but that’s a long time ago now and now people are using orthographic view to zoom in now, I decided this was relevant again.
For the regular humans who can’t be bothered to type all that in,
/Designer(Clone)/CameraTarget/Camera>Camera.set_fieldOfView 30
There you go
I needed this lol
The default, that is.
@Lee24 The easiest way to do it on PC is with this mod. I can't remember the command console input rn, I haven't used it in a long time :p
How do you do this in outside of the designer, like whilst in game?
@LegateLasagnius Do you have the Designer Suite mod active?
Yo. When I press blueprint mode, it activates ortographic mode. But how do I exit it when i'm on the share pannel? Toggle ortographic doesn't work, and I don't really like this view as a screenshot. Any ideas on what to put in the console to deactivate it?
Ah 👍 @BadFreed
@jamesPLANESii oh no i just leave a "!" cause i wanna find this thread again XD
Is that supposed to be a picture? @BadFreed
Aww thanks! :D @ChiChiWerx
I have to commend your approach to this. I never commented on your original post, though I whole heartily agree that ortho view looks terrible and I would never, ever use it for any post. However, you didn’t simply dismiss those who disagreed with you and I, you went out and built a solution, though it is a complex one, for those people who had valid concerns and who actually liked the ortho view. The hope, of course, is that the SP2 Devs will see this and incorporate an improved/better FOV for posts. Class act, really, bravo.
@jamesPLANESii gotcha
It script is a bit more complicated in game. Basically you need to adjust 3 cameras individually: mainCamera, CameraPlane, and ImageEffectsCamera (if you have image effects on)
Here’s the script:
//MainCamera>Camera.set_fieldOfView (single)
Where (single) is the field of view you want, just like how you do it in the designer.Then, repeat that code again it change
and then, if enabled,ImageEffectsCamera
@Gameboi14 darn
@nadvgia I can't have mods
@Gameboi14 zoom mod
What about in flight mode?
RIP Roxy
That looks much better, this I can get into!
Lol by Freecam is bugged And is in the designer
It’s in-game, I did this demonstration on my iPad @Homemade