Any requests? Try to come up with a big plane
@Obtheplanedestroyer oooooooooooooooooooh...
@Gbhole It can if you want it to
747 a380 hybrid
Maybe a Sovietsky Soyuz Class, i know its a ship but everything in this game is technically a "plane"
@RailfanEthan i dont think that flies
@Omel @Carroca @edensk ok thanks
Bv 238
how about an E190 E2?
@Obtheplanedestroyer oooooooooooooooooooh...
It can if you want it to
747 a380 hybrid
Maybe a Sovietsky Soyuz Class, i know its a ship but everything in this game is technically a "plane"
@RailfanEthan i dont think that flies
@Omel @Carroca @edensk ok thanks
Bv 238
how about an E190 E2?