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Problems with handling

9,437 CALVIN232  4.9 years ago

So it's pretty obvious a lot of my planes have this issue where they can't pitch down without losing control i thought well it's pitching to much yeah i was right kinda i then see builds turning much tighter then what mine can i turn the pitch up more i looked into the d4ag weight etc i fixed one problem but now the plane keeps rolling right i thought it was weight but no so i tried removing drag to see what part it could be if drag was causing it obviously id put drag back on afterwards but i came around to having 2 drag somewhere in this plane there's a part or parts generating 2 drag which i think is what is rolling the plane i could be wrong

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    9,437 CALVIN232

    @randomusername ok ill link the build

    4.9 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    @randomusername i see would you mind looking at the build ? Its hard to say what's going on with it

    4.9 years ago