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How Are you guys using screenshots as thumbnails?

3,885 Hectord27  4.7 years ago

I looked everywhere and all I could find is that a mod that used to be able to grab screenshots and place it as a thumbnails no longer works since the last update.

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    3,885 Hectord27

    Thanks very much to everyone for their help

    4.7 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    Use DesignerSuite and follow this tutorial, and that's it

    4.7 years ago
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    Yeah, even though we (we in android) can feel how sucks it is to live without mods but atleast we still have around 5 mods that can be played in android, ios is sucks at mods because the goddamn apple policy

    4.7 years ago
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    3,885 Hectord27

    What about Steam? @Bob9998

    4.7 years ago