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90 halosfan  4.8 years ago

So, I am trying to create a battleship. Is there anyway I can make multiple cannons fire at once like the main guns of a battleship?

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    @halosfan You can't make it all fire all three guns at the same time, there's always gonna be delays which is unfortunate, my ship (the recent one, the old succs) has a gun that can fire 9 shell per salvo but to get all guns firing i have to wait for all shell leave in around one second and that second is killing me, well atleast the gun reload in 60 second for a 1910 battleship, its literally 60 second

    4.8 years ago
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    @Gbhole Yeah but I am going for a more realistic firing, like fire all three at once and then wait like 5 seconds to be able to fire them again. I don't want to make huge machine guns

    4.8 years ago
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    yes. just add more than one cannon and make them rapid fire.

    4.8 years ago