I Tested The Crosswind Landing Challenge with an Actually Realistic Aircraft. Here's how it Went.
My First Attempt (Don't Worry It Gets Worse)
It's Too Embarrassing, So this will help you Figure out what Happened.
Oh Dear
I Rate this one a Ryanair/10.
rip undercarriage 2020/2020
alright there was a tutorialplane on the runway I swear
Time for some underwater exploration
don't revoke my pilot's license please I beg you
yes I know that thank you very much
da komrade, best landing gear no landing gear)))))
first try
@QingyuZhou Of Course! The Triple 7 Is my Favorite Airliner.
@e1theoriginalguy xD
Introducing the new flight class of the future, it's cheap, it's fun, and it's freaking wicked, United Airlines Tokyo Drift ™
@Davisplanez 1+1=2
@asteroidbook345 exactly, even ships got pushed, and gale wind can do tat too
Drifu bruh moment
@asteroidbook345 Because the wind doesn't have that much force to actually affect plane if its around 30 maybe, this is gale wind level wind here
@MrPorg137 Logic
Ah, yes. When the tutorial plane pops out of that one small crack in the runway and absolutely SHATTERS the bottom of engine number 2.
imagine saying bruh and russia funny in 2020