i joined SP 4 months ago and i started to post my planes about 2 months ago. when i started, i was expecting to get 100 pts for 1 year but for only 2 months, i have nearly 300 pts.
today, here, i want to thank everyone who upvoted me and without you guys, i can't get 300pts so easily
@TrislandianAlliance @Voleclaw9854 cuz you post on my challenge and upvoted it
@AustinHuang66688 why thank you.
@AustinHuang66688 Thx!
@AustinHuang66688 Ah yes, Red scarlet liquid (not red wine), stress relieving, and yes if you wanna ask it i am quite a sociopathic kind of people
@JustDatGuy YEAH, and congrats to you!!
I got 500 in 19 days, lol. But congrats!
@XAircraftManufacturer it's ok
@AustinHuang66688 Thank you for making my name T H I C C
@XAircraftManufacturer THANK you
@AustinHuang66688 kill*
@XAircraftManufacturer #the other two guys:hmmmm...h e is special! let's k**l him#
@AustinHuang66688 h a p p i n e s s s o u n d s
@XAircraftManufacturer a n d U R o n e o f m y b e s t f r i e n d s o n t h i s s i t e
I'm s p é c i á l