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Need some help, and a new aircraft

7,017 SpitW  4.8 years ago

Its number of upvote stuck around 30, and I think it deserves more attention. You could save a low upvotes aircraft and low level builder by tapping the little blue button without any cost!
[Click Here] AIP. 1620 B
Or is this the punishment from simpleplanes for leaving it and spend my time on the bloody warthunder?

Thanks for anybody who see this!

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    I definitely agree with @F104Deathtrap, my recent build (the glorified overpowered ship) have 3 photo of it showing its feature (despite being a bloody android user) pretty good, and it get lots of updoots and by far my highest updoots

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @Maiqu Good luck! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next.

    4.8 years ago
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    7,017 SpitW

    Thanks for all your support and you suggestions, I would take them as essential considerarions and try my best to improve this post and my other following posts.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    I agree with you, this build is of high quality and deserves more attention. I'd say your biggest problem is the screen shots. It's clear you wanted to create realistic pictures showing off the night/all-weather capabilities of this plane, but because they're dark it's hard to make out all the details you included. Also, for some reason you only uploaded it with one preview pic instead of three. Always use three, always show the plane from three different angles. After working on something like this for weeks and weeks, you're not looking at it the way someone here on the website looks at it for the first time, you know about all the details but we need to see them.
    Lastly, and I know this isn't fair, people tend not to upvote stuff that says "Based on" even if it is based on something you yourself made! Again, unfair, but that's how people are.

    Big part count builds like this need BOLD, crystal clear images to show off all the work you put in, especially considering how few people download builds with more than 800 or so parts.

    +1 4.8 years ago