So I posted a build, my bath house, ( And I realized that my phone won't even download build that I made on my phone! So I posted something from my phone that my phone can't even handle! XD
So I posted a build, my bath house, ( And I realized that my phone won't even download build that I made on my phone! So I posted something from my phone that my phone can't even handle! XD
@Omel *confusion intensifies
@Omel i use Coolpad E502 with storage of maximum 16gb and external 8gb, normally i will only have around <500mb of space left because i don't want to delete my precious youtube vids
@Omel im also have 2gb of RAM which is very confusing because how the heck i can make 654 parts ship with a phone that always runs at a crisp 20fps
@Omel *me laughing in 600+ and 500+ parts ship that i make in android
@Planeacceleration oh whoops I was thinking about another problem where you literally can't download anything and have to reload the website
@Planeacceleration try putting less blocks in the project then. most likely it is too blocky, and the file size is over the phone limit
@LastManStanding @Noname918181
I mean that I made something and it's "to big for my phone" when I try to download it.
Reload the website
yeah strange! i downloaded one of makerofplanes builds and it doesnt load in