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Fuse Timer for Bombs

4,769 Snowtato  4.9 years ago

I think it would be cool if after impact, a timer could be activated, and after the timer activated, the bomb would explode. It could be implemented as a slider in the part options tab. This would make it much easier to bomb, as you wouldn’t get blown up by your bombs if you dropped them at low altitude.

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    4,769 Snowtato

    @PilotFuz I like the fuse timer, but the game doesn’t need to be war thunder. Mouse aim is war thunders thing, and there’s more fun challenge in aiming like a real fighter.

    4.6 years ago
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    To many times i've been to close to an explosion when trying to drop bombs accurately, leading to my plane spontaneously cease to exist. Just wish it was like @Highground yeah like War Thunder. Speaking of making simple planes more like War Thunder, we should have mouse aim. For those who don't know the way you move in this other game is you move this circle around the screen and where ever you put it over the game will automatically move the control surfaces so that your planes is going in that direction. Works with tanks, planes, and helicopter too except with tank and ships, you move with WASD and the mouse aim moves the guns

    4.6 years ago
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    13.9k ChrisPy

    @TheKraken3 nope there is only time from start I doubt they will make time from weapon fired

    4.9 years ago
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    War thunder lol

    4.9 years ago
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    Bomb in this game (or pretty much anything that explode in this game) is too sensitive to be able to properly do a delayed explosion, you can make a bomb with parachute (that works)

    +3 4.9 years ago
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    2,378 TheKraken3

    I feel like that could be done somehow with funky trees, hmm

    4.9 years ago