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Any Low-Tier War Thunder Players Out There?

2,358 Davisplanez  4.8 years ago

My Best Tank is the T-34 (1940) and I'm grinding for the Sturmpanzer II.

Tier II Arcade

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    @Nerfenthusiast sounds like me in warplanes:ww2 dogfight, whenever I get the b-25 (I usually have 2-3 accounts per year) I use it as a heavy fighter to demolish enemy fighters and bombers while bombing the anti air or bases they have, pretty fun game

    1.9 years ago
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    2,358 Davisplanez

    @Nerfenthusiast Oh, I'm really good at tanks, But I Stink at Aviation.

    4.8 years ago
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    Ah, I am not a tanker, I am a pilot; and probably one of the better ones, pulling stunts I shouldn’t be able to, like out maneuvering fighters while in a bomber.

    4.8 years ago