This is something that some high up players say when there’s a detailed build that doesn’t really fly, and occasionally, I’m a bit hypocritical about...
But I’ve been thinking recently... and I’ve changed my mind.
Upvoting is a good deed. There shouldn’t be anything that should stop you from upvoting anything, unless the post is against the rules.
If a build looks great but doesn’t fly well, who cares! The person probably just uses SP more as a 3D modelling app rather than a simulator game, so just makes their builds look good. And to be honest, most of the work with planes is making them look good.
(Just saying, It would be nice if you would make your planes fly better though. People download this stuff to fly them :p)
There shouldn’t be anything stopping you to from doing a simple, kind thing that doesn’t do anything bad to anything.
So yeah. Upvote and spotlight whatever you want!
Continuing from "attenti":
on). But I hope they don't follow suit, and start going around not upvoting builds just because they lack functionality(even if they themselves liked those builds). Going back to your first statement, This is a game, it is meant to be played... as the player sees fit. They make what they want to make, and post what they want to post. Nothing is immediately worthless if there was a good amount of effort put into it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Lastly, a message for the people who are reading this; other people share their builds because thy want to share them. If what they make get a lot of upvotes, so be it. If you want to see a build get more attention(and if you really cared), help them, not just by upvoting. And if it's your own build that you want to see rise(talking to the people not you Mr. PilotDude, your builds are already pretty neat), then I suggest taking better screenshots :)
P.S. Sorry if it's a bit messy. I'm running low on sleep
oh lol it got cut
@ThePilotDude OK thanks!
Also a few comments on your answers:
A game is meant to be played however the user wants to, in any way that would please them. If they want to use the game as a way to design planes(design as in aesthetically), then why not? Why would planes like that be worthless and objectively bad? They were just playing the game, and wanted to share what they made.
Secondly, you didn't say it was bad? then what is "objectively bad" Is that not "bad?" On the point of being undeserving of your upvote, that is your own opinion, and I respect that. But saying that a certain build does not deserve most of it's upvotes? People have different opinions than you. They have different standards. They look for different things in a build. For all we know, there are people on this site looking for nice designs of cars, planes, ships, etc. with no regard for the functionality. You are saying that this mindset is wrong. But is it? Do you have the right to say that these perfectly reasonable actions... are wrong?
This bring us to the next point: subjectivity. Different people base the quality of builds on their own feelings. What they want to look at, what they want to experience. If, for example, there was a build that flew really well, let's say it was a replica, and had a perfect flight model, but it wasn't that good looking. In fact, let's say it looked like trash. No livery, very plain(pun intended; sorry couldn't help it), rough edges, probable took a few minutes. People, would still give it upvotes right? Especially if they saw good comments about that build from players with high statuses. Comments like "good job on the flight model, try working on the design a bit next time." Why can't it be like that for people who prefer design? Why does a build have to be "essentially worthless" and "objectively bad" right off the bat, just because it doesn't fly? Or rather, just because it doesn't meet your standards for functionality.
To set the record straight, I agree with you that more functional builds should get more attention. What I don't, and never will agree on is that builds that don't fly, drive, or float properly, are immediately trash, worthless. It you have the right to upvote and not upvote anything that you want. Same goes for the people who upvote those builds which you think are crap. Sure, many people might agree with you(although, this is most probably a popular opinion among arrogant people who think their builds deserve more attenti
@ThePilotDude You said, people upvote things if they like them. Then why would a build not deserve a lot of upvotes if people just liked the way it looked? Playability and functionality are a priority, yes, but would you say that even if a person worked hard on the build, and just was just to tired to try and make it fly, especially with the lag caused by all those parts, the plane is still bad? So what if they get a ton of upvotes? What are upvotes anyway? What do they do? Do we need to shame builds just because we think they do not deserve upvotes? Is this a civilized way of expressing our opinion, especially on the comment sections of said builds?
Not rhetorical questions by the way, I want all of them answered
This post doesn't fly. Don't upvote it.
@ChisP yes. Custom wing with custom control surfaces master race
Oof what a stigma smackdown
My fictional stuff fly realistically @z24zorpx4
Depends on the build. if it is something that’s supposed to operate at this time I expect it to perform at a maximum of a F-22 or a bit higher. If it’s a 1970s aircraft I expect it to perform comparably to the F-16 or alike aircraft. If it’s supposed to be future it indeed needs to be reasonable. It’s really case by case. If it’s a future fighter I expect stuff that at least obeys physics. @z24zorpx4
what if the thing is not a replica, and therefore cannot fly "realistically" ?
I dont really upvote if it has damn stock wings
Please make ur planes fly realistically. But yes, I will upvote if they look good or they are good for your level.
*me thinking instead of flying i more prefer sailing and driving, i don't know why but im basically depreciating planes now because my project WW2 Ship
I'm sure that many people, including me, still values playability over appearance though. And I would agree with @ThePilotDude
This from the guy who disrespected my beloved JN4 Jenny!