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Overcoming the issues with adding a paint tool, and, things we could do with it that we couldn’t do before if it’s added

234k jamesPLANESii  4.6 years ago

People make an argument that adding a paint tool to SP will turn our planes into flying photographs. But I disagree. In fact, I’d say, if we limit the tool a bit and treat it as if it’s a new part, it would basically replace using blocky fuselages for liveries and words and numbers etc to something that would make this easy to do and a lot smoother, while also keeping the physics calculations and part count down making it easier for aircraft to run on mobile.

I have some suggestions on how we can prevent these from turning our planes into flying photographs and keep the ‘fun’ in making liveries still. Here are my suggestions:

1. Make it only apply on individual blocks. No multiple block stuff.

Doing this will not only stop people from grabbing the livery textures on flight sim aircraft and pasting it on the side of their plane for the livery.
Though, it would be good if there was a thing that would make these easy to join these next to next accurately on adjacent parts so that adding these things across sections of parts on a plane doesn’t become infuriating.
Also, this would fix the technical hurdle of how to apply these things onto your aircraft.

2. Make it so you can’t load images of stuff into the parts.

Haha! Now you can’t load photographs of stuff and make the excuse that our planes will become flying photographs! XDD
That being said, it would be nice if there was a way to trace these with using the paint tools you’re given.

Ok that’s all I can think of right now. If you have any other suggestions that I haven’t thought of, I’ll put them here if I agree with them.

Liveries, effects, and things this will make possible

1. Dirty stuff

Mud looks cool, but to make it look good in SP, it takes up a heap of parts and the lack of texture makes it look weird. Adding this tool will fix this.

2. Weathering

Not gonna lie, I love weathered paint on stuff. It probably terrifies most people, but I like it. It gives character!
The problem is, getting a good weathering effect is basically impossible in SP because weathering tends to be fuzzy and multicoloured.
I would immediately do this to my Cessna 180 when this is added.

3. Gradient-style paint

Gradient paint is basically impossible on complex aircraft with lots of colours because we’re limited to 15 colours. Getting a smooth gradient takes up heaps of parts too. If this is added, doing a gradient would be easily possible.
This would also be cool with giving our race planes cool liveries lol.

Complex camouflage

Dense camouflage looks cool, but currently, doing it in SP takes up tons of parts and can be tedious to make. Especially when it’s small. Adding this would make complex camo car easier

Other stuff

Painting on wheels

Doing tread on tires

The ability to do textures like fabric


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    3,749 offiry


    4.3 years ago
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    Yes please. I would love this. It would be so useful.

    4.6 years ago
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    Cool idea, might be hard for the devs to put in though. Like how would the code for that work etc with XML. Nice thought though

    4.6 years ago
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    23.5k FeatherWing

    A jolly good idea, that's what I say

    4.6 years ago