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Thank You Everyone!

1,873 Kazin  4.7 years ago

Hello Everyone, as of 2020, I am back in it! I'm happy to announce I'm returning to this thriving and wonderful community to join my friends once more in creativity and imagination. I'm so excited to be back! I love every single one of you, for we are great and strong community, living as one family. Even when we have our problems, we have our love, maybe not particularly for each other, but for the game that bring us together as one! As some of you may know, I have been gone for quite a long while now, and I've been on this site nearly every day for 5 years, just kind of spectating the world this game has created, I've watched some of the best rise up through the ranks. I remember

I remember my first time getting my account set up and how happy I was to be joining such a wonderful world and community. Every time I get on this game and site, I feel at home and happy, which has made this my safe-haven from what the outside world has for me, bleh lol. I'm so happy to be here amongst you all, you all mean the world to me!!! Thanks, if you read this through, means a lot to me. I'll be here just playing the game and watching this world go by, and if you need help with anything, (certainly not the game, I suckkkkk at building) I'm here in terms of distress or times of pain. I love making people feel better so come on! I'm happy to help! As for now, cya!