Kinda wish there was a user who just makes good instruments and gauges so we don’t have to do them lol.
Kinda become the chore of the build now lol.
Hey I’m lazy, so what. Building instruments takes ages and isn’t fun! >:(
And every time I build instruments, by the next plane I have to make, I think my old ones could look heaps better and I remake them.
I like building planes and seeing progress! Not doing algebra!
Some of belugasubs builds have instruments on them. @ThePilotDude
I have some experience with funky trees, but nothing compared to some of the greats. anyway, it involves a ton of math. @ThePilotDude
Great af @Starbound
Or they could come standard with the game, now that would be great.
Oooh yeah boi @Mattangi2
hmmmmmmm, don't give me ideas, I already have +4 projects going on lol
Generally everything really... @spefyjerbf
What kinds of indicators are you trying to make?
Like WorldWideFlags except for instrumentation? That'd be sick!
Basically it is code that changes how inputs work using algebra and math @ThePilotDude
@jamesPLANESii, perhaps a sub-assembly could alleviate time spent on instrument creation.
I wish there were in-game adjustable instruments that did the math for you and you didn’t have to build, taking up thousands of parts lol @Omel
Mods that only PC users can use @Omel