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Different colored engine fumes?

3,359 TheBoeingEngineer  4.9 years ago

I play on mobile and for a certain build I need the exhaust on my engines to be blue instead of the typical orange-yellow. Is this possible?

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    Yes, find the engine you want to recolor, open overload, find engines (i think its engines, basically the one at the most bottom) and you see colorOverridePrimary? That's your color, you can also resize the exhaust in the exhaustScale but you might want to make all the scale the same because the exhaust is at a global angle (it doesn't care where your plane goes, it will always be flat relatives to the ground), atleast for plane anyway, for ships like the one on my case you don't need to do it, only need to adjust it a little bit so it looks allright

    4.9 years ago
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    4.9 years ago
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    16.5k edensk

    with overload

    4.9 years ago