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New plane, new series (also I need some name and background suggestions)

9,447 vcharng  4.9 years ago

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm going to go for IRL-plane-in-parallel-universe from my next plane.
These aircrafts will be based after real world projects, but notably modified to fit SP physics and/or to cover the missing piece of puzzle of the IRL plane.

The biggest reason for this is that many blueprint planes don't have a viable cockpit design, and using other plane's cockpit is just weird.
Also, I'm running out of real-world squadrons to make (whose insignias are easier to make)

And for the first aircraft, it will be a Focke-Wulf Jäger mit BMW 803
Since it never left the drawing board, no one knows what its cockpit would look like. So I just used the same cockpit as my previous plane, with some modifications.

Yes, this aircraft is capable of post-stall maneuver, otherwise known as supermaneuverbility.
The animation above shows the fighter doing a cobra.
The simple wings is only used for the condensation effect, it does not affect the plane's physics. In order to maintain vanilla-friendlyness, it will not be included in the completed plane.

And this..... is the closest I can get to a pedal turn (flat spin).

The twin-boom design of this aircraft provided very good stall-recovery capability, allowing me to tamper with the control surfaces to make deep stall possible.

Now, the second part:
I need some ideas for the story.
Namely, three countries, their air force insignias, and some background settings.

Here's what the story should look like at the moment:
- IRL technology, including aircrafts, somehow traveled to a parallel universe, and was found when Krakabloa Volcano erupted.
- The world was originally in late-19 century technology level.
- Three military superpowers occupied the archipelago, each trying to discover more new technology.
- Krakabloa is neutral, the three nations occupied Snowstone, Wright Isle and Maywar, respectively.
- The Snowstone nation (placeholder name) uses US and UK aircraft, the Wright nation uses German, French and Italian aircraft, the Maywar nation uses Japanese and Soviet aircraft.
- The Snowstone nation is the most technologically advanced and the only one to actually have aircraft carrier and early-era missiles. Unfortunately this means it would be more or less serving as an antagonist nation.
- WWII planes (as in, the SP definition of WWII) only.

Since I also have to create the whole backstory AND a parallel universe language, the BMW 803 Fighter would take a while before it's ready for upload.

Let me hear what you think about the backstory settings!