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So, uh, I have a question.

2 crankspuls6  4.7 years ago

So, in a video I watched, a guy started up a sandbox match, and "Tutorial Planes" and his "Comodo Jet" appeared, so I was wondering how that works. Like, does it just spawn thing that you have made, or does it just spawn a plane that is installed.

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    So, in a video I watched, a guy started up a sandbox match, and "Tutorial Planes" and his "Comodo Jet" appeared, so I was wondering how that works. Like, does it just spawn thing that you have made, or does it just spawn a plane that is installed.

    4.7 years ago
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    They are. I was just floating my ship around, doing normal things, blowing up bridges, etc, when a TutorialPlane kamikaze'd into me.

    4.7 years ago