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### What do you do? When Mirroring parts results to uneven drag and that message "failed to mirror part already exist". ###

1,257 An2k  4.8 years ago

Wondering how do you guys deal with these? there must be a proper procedure to avoid these..what are the work arounds?

1. message failed to mirror part already exist on other side and that supposed part not existing on the other side.

2. mirrored multiple parts and waay laaater your wondering why craft is veering to a certain direction by itself...checked alignment..symmetry..etc..then checked the dragpoints and found out it's Drag somehow is uneven on opposite side.. some redder.

3. your unsure if theres an unintentional multiple-copy of parts somewhere in your there a way to find it easier?

im new so newbie method
1. Copy part's x axis coords for later..disconnect & manually move part's x axis further from cockpit until you can mirror.. paste last x axis coord on original part and connect & on copied part reverse its x axis coords(putting/remove " - ") & connect there another better way?

2. I REALLY HATE this onegrrr random drag glitch desperate measure.. make suspected parts dragscale to 0 so it wont pass drag to the next part and hope it fixes it or pull your hair out!! there a better way?

3. I dont have a clue on fast procedure but the pain of one by one checks every there a better way?

like to know the methods you guys use.. thanks in advance

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    So idk if this is still relevant now or if its been figured out countless times by now but I've just overcome this stupid issue with one of my planes. Of course I had to take my time to look into the issue since I can't take off because my plane spirals out of control and its now been made useless by this bug. So same issue as the others.... plane has uneven drag on one side after a full sided mirroring. I replaced the parts, moved them around, mirrored the opposite side to try and make both sides equal, removed the cockpit and spun the plane around. Nothing worked. I even used overload to delete the drag entirely on both side but it did nothing to performance. Even tho the drag on the viewer had been visually cleared. Now what I found that was odd was that other parts I had attached to the 'problematic' part were causing the uneven drag. So basically something with no drag scale was causing drag on another attached part. Which shouldn't be. I unattached the custom landing gear I had under the wing (problematic part) And the wing (which had the uneven drag) evened out and it all worked out. The strangest thing is that after I had reattached everything ... the landing gear, was now the one with uneven drag. Since its fixed gear. Anyways the plane works better now but not perfect since it still has uneven drag just on a significantly smaller part.

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534

    I usually move the part in intervals of 1.000 in fine tuner, mirror, and move both the parts back, and the reattach the mirrored part

    +4 4.8 years ago
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    I just move my parts to a spot where there are no parts and mirror them.
    Note that the box for beacons is a lot bigger than the part itself so you might need to move them quite far away.

    +2 4.8 years ago