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21.8k Brendorkus  4.8 years ago


The HT-95 Levkov tank was a hovering tank created by Ardise Corporation in The War Of 2020. It has the ability to hover, and is much faster, and more maneuverable than traditional tanks.
Propelled by a series of rocket-thrusters, the HT-95 perpetually hovers above the ground, only ceasing to do so when it is destroyed. Despite floating above the ground, the tank is still able to Roadkill unsuspecting souls.
Another product of the rocket engines is the tank's unique ability to strafe, allowing the tank to move to the left or right without having to adjust the direction the tank is facing. This allows the HT-95 to potentially out maneuver enemy tanks in combat, letting it strafe from the left or right whilst still keeping its heavy front armor facing the enemy.
Because of its casemate design—the cannon is not mounted on a turret—the entire tank must be turned in order to aim horizontally. This makes the tank more vulnerable to threats it is not facing, especially if disabled.
One drawback is the noise level of the hover thrusters, which are significantly louder than the engines of the standard tanks, as well as the snow and air the thrusters kick up around it, making it very noticeable. This makes it very difficult for the tank to remain undetected, as enemies will be able to hear it much sooner than other tanks, and the debris it continuously kicks up makes it hard to conceal in brush or other cover. Another issue with the tank is that the main cannon causes a significant amount of upwards recoil when firing, which the vehicle operator must compensate for.