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I really need help with an aircraft loading problem!

6,300 HawaiiRanger  4.8 years ago

Please read the third paragraph first (I am more worried about that problem)

I recently made a plane and tried to load the level (to test fly it) and it said the game crashed. It then asked if I wanted to save my most recent changes as an aircraft named Backup-1 and when I did, I tried to load it, and it said that there was an error loading the aircraft. I then tried loading the latest version saved before that, and it said there was an error in that too. I then loaded the last version before that, worked on it, and saved it. When I tried to load the last version I had worked on to see if it worked, it said there was an error on that too.

I than looked up how to recover the lost version (Backup-1) and someone said Here that they were able to copy the aircraft XML file and paste it over the old version and recover the lost version -see Here how to get to the aircraft files-, and when I did that it said that there was a problem loading the aircraft, and then it said there was an error. I then tried pretty much all the other ways I could think of on how to get the XML files to work, and it wouldn’t work.

The next time I started working on something else (a B-2), I saved each major change twice under different names. I then tried to load the level to make it re-center in the sandbox, and I could see it on the runway, but when I exited the level, I could not see my aircraft anymore. It still shows all the information about the aircraft (weight, fuel, length, wingspan, etc.-like this:) as if it is still there- it just won’t show it. When I loaded the level again, it shows this:
I then tried loading the DesignerSuite blueprint I was using, and I wouldn’t show up. I then made a new aircraft to see what that would do if I then pressed undo, and the blueprint showed up. Like this:

So if you have any ideas on how to recover it, prevent it from happening, or what happened, PLEASE let me know!!! I will be very grateful. Thanks!

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    14.9k Randomplayer

    Bro tagged the whole community 😭🙏

    6 months ago
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    A few things to try first. Unload any MODs you have running, and then go to options and pressgame options and where it says ai air traffic and select none. Restart computer and then try loading and saving and then see if it will reload.
    Let me know how this goes.
    Can you remember the last thing you changed before it started not loading?


    4.8 years ago
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    6,300 HawaiiRanger

    @SpiritusRaptor @BogdanX @mikoyanster @EternalDarkness @SledDriver @speyjerbf @RamboJutter @BaconAircraft @Tully2001 @Pilotmario @jamesPLANESii @reallouchen9999 @Feanor @RAF1 @Hyperloop @DestinyAviation @WalrusAircraft @SimpleFlow @RussianAS @RailfanEthan @flyingsteve88 @Jundroo @ForeverPie @MrSilverWolf @Seeras @Johndfg @Dllama4 @laSoul @belugasub @Himynameiswalrus @randomusername @Othawne @DeezDucks @AcePilot109 @BoganBoganTheMan @weebabyseamus @HellFireKoder @Squirrel @MediocrePlanes @Skua @RocketLL @TheLatentImage @Puredeath @PhilipTarpley @AndrewGarrison @KevinMurphy @NaathanMikeska @JoeySellers @WNP78

    4.8 years ago