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[SPRP] The Siege of Kerkurt

10.2k Ano  4.9 years ago


Turkania. The nation located along the russalian border. It has suffered from many civil war and in-nation conflict betaween left and right side of the grovernment and ideology. It normal to has some opposition but the republican (marxist and jihadist) side decide to use the strength to destroy thier opposition. Russalia decides to intervane and support the democracy in turkania.


223rd Specialized Mechanized Infantry Division has been mobilizied into turkania for intervention by the military acess agreement and monitered closely by turkanian armed forces


Initiated operation "street sweeper". After the intense bombing of the possibly location of terrorist in turkania. Kerkurt . Verified by turkanian specialist russalian forces will begin to clear all the possible militias power in kerkurt

In the morning turkanian and RFF (russalian federal armed forces) moving close to kerkurt. There was none or less, none resistant from the militia. A few our later both RFF 4th Infantry Armoured Brigade and 5th Specialized Heavy Armoured Brigade has been caught into the heavy fire by militias in the town square.

Militia has proceed to cut RFF and turkanian forces isolated from the rienforcement. They've been trapped in the militia's hold town. With out help or support coming due to the false infomation that more than 74% of militias has been killed or disabled.

RFF and turkanian forces manage to hold more than 48hours till the rienforcement arrives at the town entrance

One of the legend of the defender was ATNX-1Ao1 (Type 54L1/22, CCA) Super Muravey from the 1st Muravey Batallion 'A' Company the tank was officialy designated as 'D' but the crew calles it 'The Devestator'. The 'A' Company along side with 1st Light Mechanized infantry Battalion is the first RFF forces to enter the massacre.

The Devestator and 11 more tankalong side with 500 infantry and 10 IFV/APC had hold off 48 hours in the town square. By the devestator has hold it street Conor for the entire time, there was the report that more than 50 Anti-Tank rocket has been fired off near the area. Some or correction, most of them was for the Devastator. How ever the armour and active protection of it make it hold off with minimum to none damage

Next day morning. There was an order to pull off to the entrance. By their radio has been damaged by intense fire last night. They still go on by their latest order to hold the grounds.

By the amount of ration they had in their tank they managed to survive a week till russalian forces pass around the area and save the tank and it's crew. All of the crew are alive and well, but the tank has been strucked by more than 32 RPG-7 Rocket

This amazing story shared by the 3 alive and well crew of the devastator.

Currently the devastator was still in service with all 3 original crew stationing in russalian expeditionary forces in turkania.

By now the militia activity was by now, none

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    10.2k Ano

    @Armyguy1534 yeah this is side advertisement for my possible next post

    4.9 years ago
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    28.2k Armyguy1534

    wait I thought rp was only in discord now

    4.9 years ago
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    10.2k Ano

    @TheFantasticTyphoon Yes

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    40.9k Typhoon03

    So SPRP is still alive, then?

    4.9 years ago