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ERCO ErCoupe 415-c crashed near my house yesterday

217 K0b1Th3R1x  4.8 years ago

An 82 year old man was on approach to Hawkins County Airport RVN and clipped a tree about a few hundred feet from the runway and crashed into a big yard/field of a resident. The FAA and NTSB are yet to come and investigate. There was one fatality. The only fatality was the pilot. The tail number of the ErCoupe 415-c was Nora-3-1-5-6 Henry. The plane is still there as of today (5/16) and crashed on Friday (5/15). It is very rare for a plane crash to happen in Hawkins County, TN. The plane crashed before it got to the runway in the small town of Surgoinsville (Sir-go-ins-ville). - Kobi Light, Eye Witness.

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    Guys, he was flying low and if he made it to the runway he probably would’ve hit the end of the runway he probably had an engine failure and was low on approach and clipped a tree (well, he did clip a tree but you know what I mean, probably lol) but the tree is below the approach line and that’s also an accent line, whatever lol

    4.8 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    I don’t mean aggressive aggressive just like kinda aggressive the way you phrased your last sentence sounded passive aggressive or such@Numbers

    4.8 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    I can’t tell why your comparing an airport stuck in the middle of the city in Australia to a tree in a small country airport. I don’t even know why your getting aggressive, there’s no need to.@Numbers

    4.8 years ago
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    669 Jerba

    I’m confused why there are trees that close to the approach path. You go look at most airports (even small private ones) and it’s just a big field of grass all around. That tree shouldn’t be there

    4.8 years ago
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    How the hell do you crash an ErCoupe? Oh well. I hope his family is ok.

    4.8 years ago
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    @MRMDAWURM you are exactly right, I hope he lived a good life too. The news said he owned a couple of planes. The plane he was flying was used in WWII. Maybe. The plane model was. But I’m not sure about the plane he was flying was used in WWII.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    4,769 Snowtato

    That’s very interesting... I hope he had a good life. Tragedies like that shouldn’t happen. Thank you for sharing!

    +1 4.8 years ago