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Cannon firing sequence

43.9k PlanesOfOld  4.8 years ago

Is there a way to edit the cannon firing sequence so it isn't seemingly random. So gun 1 fires first, then 2, 3, 4 etc

Or am I stuck with a gatling cannon that fires in a random sequence?

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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @VVMC It was completed about a month ago. Ive been very busy with the sailing ship- but that's almost done- ive just got to add some clutter to the deck like pumps, lifeboats and anchors and finish the Rigging and it will be done.

    4.5 years ago
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    @PlanesOfOld Has the Morane Sauliner Parsol been completed?

    4.7 years ago
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    Just the standard variant, please.

    4.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @VVMC Any particular variant? There are several. The main differences are that early ones have canards and latter ones did not.

    I have to give you a disclaimer, My speed while building is oft compared to that of a sloth. And I'm currently working on two major builds, a morane saulnier parasol and a sailing ship. But the saulnier is near completion as it only needs rigging. And as I normally do two projects at a time I'll probably consider it as its been a while since I made a farman style aeroplane.

    4.8 years ago
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    @PlanesOfOld I’m wondering if you can make the 1912 Curtiss Model D Pusher.

    4.8 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    @SgtRXMT Yes but it fires In what seems like a random order. The first gun to be placed in the builder isn't always the first to fire.

    4.8 years ago
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    929 IssaIwan

    Maybe changing the rate of fire on each cannon? It would make sense mathematically, but I haven’t tested it in game.

    4.8 years ago
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    I don't think that is possible. It would be great if we could program firing order, though.

    4.8 years ago