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Seeing How Bungee Treats It’s community really makes me appreciate everyone in Jundroo.

6,698 Natedoge  4.7 years ago

(This isn’t a debate if you like Bungee whatever, and I don’t want people to argue. Just getting that out of the way)

So, I really used to love the Destiny Franchise. I played almost everyday in the old days of D1, and I’ve gotten every single expansion of D2. It was my all time favorite game. Until a couple of months ago.

So Bungee, the Main Devs Of destiny 1 and 2, decided they need money. So every expansion new cost 30+ dollars. I thought this wasn’t so bad if you love the game. Recently though, it’s made me realize, they make everything cost a lot money even when you get a tiny amount of content. And I mean tiny, like for a game like destiny, realizing an expansion with only 3 missions is pretty bad.

Other things like how they want to community to constantly grind hours on hours for years and weapons is making me realize:

They don’t care about the players. They ignore the community, and only want our money.

On top of spending hours or even days to get good guns that you want, that you personally work with, they are doing something called “sunsetting” which basically means, “We make your guns obsolete after a year that you get them, but remember, we will add them back if you buy the next expansion.”

It’s basically putting us in a trap, either play with Terrible guns that don’t suit you, and that really are not good for your playing style, or spend another 30$. And on top of that, they also are making it so that you don’t even want the stuff in the game. Like, say for example you want to get a weapon that seems cool. You spend 4 hours trying to earn it through missions. Then, you figure out they need the gun because they thought it was “too powerful.”

Anyways, this makes me realize how much Jundroo actually cares about their community, and how they listen to us, not because they want our money, it because they genuinely want us to enjoy their game.

Jundroo doesn’t have micro transactions, and you don’t have to constantly buy stuff in order to enjoy the game you spent $60 on in the first place.

Thanks Jundroo, you guys are genuinely really great developers, and I really enjoy playing your games!

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    6,698 Natedoge

    Destiny kinda does. They added a battle pass for every “season.” Eh, not really the same, but kinda what you said in your last sentence. @Botfinder

    4.7 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    To summarise this...


    4.7 years ago
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    @Natedog120705 like 0.7 on a good day, it's usually 0.5

    4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Lol what’s your kd @RailfanEthan

    4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    I’m hunter. @BoganBoganTheMan

    4.7 years ago
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    5,234 noob11

    Honestly, I share your sentiment about scummy monetization. This is extremely prevalent in mobile games as well. I play COD on my phone occasionally and a while back there was a fiasco with the devs giving half the players insane deals on skins, and the other half crates with awful odds, claiming that it was to “test” which monetization method was better. Of course, people were pissed, so after a month the devs promptly threw the issue under the bus, removed the better deals(of course) leaving everyone with the crates, and to this day have never publicly addressed the issue to my knowledge. So games like SP and many others that just make you pay once for the full game, and have devs that actually interact with the community are great in my book.

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    @BoganBoganTheMan i bet his kd ratio is the same as mine

    4.7 years ago
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    I bet u play Titan

    4.7 years ago
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    9,275 UraniumOxide

    @jamesPLANESii Some are bad. BotW: Champion's Ballad, pretty bad. And some are good. Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion, pretty good. Not all DLC have to be bad.

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    I know. But Bungie and activision split not too long ago. Everyone thought the game would improve. It didn’t. Still three missions in a $30+ expansion. They haven’t fixed anything I’ve see a lot of the community talking about. . @MRMDAWURM

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Go to the D2 website and just look at the forums. I mean, that obviously doesn’t mean that everyone does, but bungee generally ignores the community. They just don’t listen. Have you even seen what they are gonna do with sunsetting? @Dllama4 @Spassoup

    4.7 years ago
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    4,769 Snowtato

    Activision and EA man, EA even more so. But I just don’t like em

    4.7 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    There is only a small percentage of players that play D2 that complain about the game. Why should Bungie listen to them if they are already getting good ratings?
    Also, without DLC’s the game is just as fun. You can also just wait a year to get the DLC for free.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    3,864 Anastvats

    Have you forgotten the fact that Activision screwed up Bungie since the first Destiny game, and that Bungie splitting from Activision furthermore messed up funding

    You can still have mad fun without the expansions, besides now the base game and first two expansions are free, excluding Forsaken and Shadowkeep. So yeah, bigger expansions tend to cost a bit more

    I've had bungie products since Halo CE so I may be a bit biased, but personally I do believe the devs do their best for the community, splitting up with Activision being one of their best decisions
    However I do respect your opinion, just thought I'd share what I think

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    104k Dllama4


    4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Yeah. It is really sad. @Sadboye12

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    52.9k Sadboye12

    sadly i have nowhere to go if i quit the crucible :(
    indeed it is not as fun and fair as it was before...

    4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    They ruined crucible with everything they have done, one of the main reasons I quit. @Sadboye12

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    52.9k Sadboye12

    not to mention in D2 they make all the OP Exotics/subclass available only for people who bought DLC quite unfair in the Crucible which is my favorite

    4.7 years ago
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    52.9k Sadboye12

    i was in love with a game called Robocraft once
    the Dev team was a small Indie team and they decided to take that forbidden path as well
    the game is now dead

    4.7 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Ye, especially when they cost more than the full original game @jamesPLANESii

    4.7 years ago
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    DLCs are the big dumb dumb.

    +5 4.7 years ago