How can I have realistic jet afterburner and acceleration?
For example, at 90% throttle, the afterburner doesn't work, and at 100%, the afterburner works.
Is there a funky tree code for this?
Also, Acceleration speed.
My plane always takes off very fast and reaches Mach 1 very very quickly.
Is there some way to decrease acceleration speed without decreasing the engine power?
@brians1209 its Throttle<0.90
@F104Deathtrap i only slapped 6
Throttle*(Throttle <= 0.9)
@edensk Thank you so much! Could you also make one that turns off at 90% throttle please?
@edensk It's ok. I agree about people overdoing the thrust, slapping 20 or 30 engines onto a box of fuel is one of the first things people do when they install Simpleplanes!
@F104Deathtrap I honestly don't know where I got that percentage from, my bad. Just checked a couple of engines and 50-70% is indeed correct.
I mentioned the drag because I've seen lots of people giving the engine an insane amount of power to overcome the drag and achieve high speeds.
I definitely should've checked the afterburner thing before commenting, not doing it was quite a dumb move of me, sorry for that.
@edensk In my haste, I missed the mark on my afterburner thrust guess by a bit. 50-70% is a more reasonable estimate, depending on circumstances and the bypass ratio of the engine itself. I don't know where you got 30% from, however, as even the most inefficient zero-bypass turbojets can manage better than 50%.
As for acceleration, thrust to weight ratio is the single most important factor. Thrust to drag tends to determine top speed, particularly at low altitude. It seems quite strange to me that you would rely on such easily refuted information to criticize my attempt to help somebody.
Oops, didn't see the first part.
(Throttle - 0.9)*10
is the input you want for the afterburner's engineThink @BogdanX made something like that
@F104Deathtrap You got most of it pretty wrong. Yes, to have a realistic acceleration mass should be realistic, but low drag (500-2000 drag points) and realistic engine power is more important, imo. And in real life, most afterburners add around 20-35% more thrust, not 70...
So basically, to answer your question, make sure the mass is accurate or realistic, reduce the drag (calculateDrag = false in Overload), and set the engine power to whatever you think is good enough (if it's a replica make it accurate though) @brians1209
For realistic acceleration you need to have realistic mass for your aircraft. For realistic engines, I often use multiple engines nested inside each other. Just an FYI, engaging the afterburner on a fighter jet usually adds another 70-75% thrust but doubles or even triples fuel consumption.