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[Teaser+question] Focke-Wulf BMW 803 fighter preview

9,447 vcharng  4.9 years ago

Alright, the plane is (finally) close to finish.
(Simple wing used for demonstration only. Upload version will NOT include)

With the help of modularized cockpit I was able to adjust the whole size and position of the cockpit in this very late stage of building...

Ah, and it is still capable of Pugachev's Cobra

What do you guys think about the re-colored camo?
Actually I have slight color blindness (not sure how it's called in English, something like "reduced color sensitivity") So I think when it comes to color perhaps I should ask more opinions....

This should be finished in a few days. It will be uploaded with a separate background story thread (including the other two nations) for the whole upcoming series.

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    9,447 vcharng

    @BoganBoganTheMan Close enough.
    The BMW 803, being a coupled engine (consists of two BMW 801s), has very poor power-to-weight ratio. Actually nearly the whole fuselage from the round intake and behind is occupied by the engine and transmission.

    4.9 years ago
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    I was expecting a flying engine bruh

    4.9 years ago