This syntax determines whether a rocket is selected by comparing the number of remaining weapons of the selected weapon with that of the rocket.
Therefore, if there is another weapon with the same ammo capacity, it will adversely affect operation.
There is multiple arms for the plane, but the rockets are the only thing I need the rotator FT for. Did you mean that if I have any other weapons it changes, or that it changes if I have other rotators.@nagisa
I agree. Many times have I tried making FT contraptions and it never worked for me but for other people it did.@spefyjerbf
Ah. Mobile has trouble with strings. This is a known bug and it should be fixed in the next update.
This syntax determines whether a rocket is selected by comparing the number of remaining weapons of the selected weapon with that of the rocket.
Therefore, if there is another weapon with the same ammo capacity, it will adversely affect operation.
It didn’t seem to work.@nagisa
There is multiple arms for the plane, but the rockets are the only thing I need the rotator FT for. Did you mean that if I have any other weapons it changes, or that it changes if I have other rotators.@nagisa
The following syntax seems to work on mobile,
It will not work well if there are multiple armaments
At least in my environment it works with
SelectedWeapon = ("Rocket")
but this syntax somehow doesn't seem to react on Mobile environment...
well then I’m screwed.@nagisa
It still didn’t work.@scratch
At least in my environment it works with
SelectedWeapon = "Rocket"
,but this syntax somehow doesn't seem to react on Mobile environment
@Makerofplanes the quotation marks should be "" not “”
It did not work. View this @spefyjerbf
Thanks for your help.@spefyjerbf
Use SelectedWeapon = “Rocket”
I think that should be the right syntax.