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Yep, I decided its time to put out another server. Its public too.

282 FaZeShiba  4.7 years ago

Yeah. I got to fill some more of my servers. Here is yet another I was able to fix:
Canadian North

Sorry I have to day this: there will probably be a curfew.
Opens around 9:30 AM EST, Closes around 11:00 PM EST.
I will lift this when I can get a couple more scripts running.

I'm a very chill dude. If you can explain what you are doing, why, and if you knew what you were doing, I could let it slide IF it is deemed harmful to other users. I don't like banning people but some people gotta go.

There's nobody here yet. I still have no clue if people are looking for servers or if they are all filled or like.

Try not to ask for admin

I guess, I guess ill just leave it up and we will see.