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OK this is like the last straw.

9,447 vcharng  4.8 years ago

I am infuriated by the fact that a plane with "minecraft slab" wings gets the same upvotes as a detailed SBD Dauntless.
And my performance-wise, instrument-wise, livery-wise and technologically superior build gets less than half of that.
Probably just because they are American planes and mine was not.

That's it, I'm not going to do anything for more upvotes from now on. I'm going to only make planes that I feel right and I feel to be of high quality. If you don't like it or you think I'm making "noobish" planes, it's your problem.

Last time there was a retard who criticized my plane for "propeller breaks at high speed".
(that's called manual pitch control, moron)
And he overlooked all the details and focus on the BS "shortcoming" that it doesn't have a trim.
So for my next aircraft (i.e. the current latest), I spent a month to get the most accurate constant-speed propeller I can get.
And I added trim to it. Not just trim, I even added a historically accurate trim wheel in the cockpit.
And what did I get? 15. While even that previous "noobish" one got 27.

OK, then, that's it. If you don't know how to appreciate then I will stop trying to impress you.

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    9,447 vcharng

    Nobody seems to actually read what I said in this post.
    Yes there are things that I have to do in order to make the community see my plane.
    I "understand" that. But I don't "like" that.
    And this is exactly what I'm saying: That's it, I will stop trying to shape myself to something the community would like.

    So stop telling me to do this and do that. This post is exactly announcing that I'm not going to do those.

    I'm too lazy to delete all the comments but sincerely none of them should've ever existed (if only there's a "do not allow comment" option). This post is NOT trying to ask for any feedbacks or suggestions whatsoever.

    Pinned 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @KnightOfRen Yup, and I'm going with what I enjoy.

    4.3 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Basically, there are two ways to go in
    1: What you enjoy
    2: What the community enjoys

    4.3 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @KnightOfRen Which is why this original post existed.
    I cannot agree with the community's standard for the upvote system so I announce that I will no longer pursue it. Legit.

    4.3 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    I understand. Unfortunately, the upvote system is not about what you like, but what the community likes as a whole. In this case, its US planes and full thumbnails.

    4.3 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @KnightOfRen I still respectfully disagree turning my thumbnail into a big-head photo.
    I prefer showing my plane WITH CONTEXT. Like when dropping bombs or otherwise interacting with the environment (perhaps when pulling a post-stall maneuver).
    For contrast I noticed that I'm struggling with the contrast of SP's in-game screen. They are too bright this instance and too dark the next...I hope it's a screen config issue and not my eyes.

    Good note on the discord though.

    4.3 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Ok, looks like I'm late here. bad
    Firstly, I agree with jamesPLANESii on this, your aircraft must fill the thumbnail. It must contrast against it. If you put a dark camo against an ocean, nobody will see the plane in the thumbnail. Put it at the Wright runway, or against the sky, or, to get creative, in the trenches.
    You do not have to be famous to get lots of upvotes. I was getting 15+ upvotes when I was at your point count, when i had about 35 followers. Everyone starts somewhere. How do you think I got famous? By not being famous, and coming up the ranks until 25K.
    Lastly, you do not "Have to make famous american planes to get upvotes". As can be seen, about half my recent planes are Russian, one of them a very rare prototype. They all got 40+ upvotes.
    PS: Get discord. You can advertise your builds in many servers. I recommend Aviator's Chat, SP Fanclub, or Simpleplanes Builder's Chat.

    4.3 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Cobrahuey 2.0

    4.3 years ago
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    337 Filip109

    Generic comment coming
    This man is trying to build planes for the upvotes.
    If you really wanna see results well try new things and most importantly be original and your post must be eye catching cause if I see on my plane feed the 800th sci-fi plane or 2000th WWI plane am not gonna be interested.

    4.7 years ago
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    5,683 chibikitsune

    @vcharng youre welcome. We're all human at the end of the day, and you wont please everyone
    I salute you for trying your best, and good luck. You deserve it.

    Have a great day, and your well deserved break. Dont feel forced to build something. You can't rush art, so when you do it, you should enjoy it.

    4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @chibikitsune You know what I think I'm running out of choices but to agree with you.
    SP is a game and it should stay just that. It should not become a kind of "best builder contest" unless one happens to find that interesting.

    4.8 years ago
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    5,683 chibikitsune

    Watch some memes bro. You need a break

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    Last but not least.
    There shouldn't be ANY replies to this post from the very beginning.

    4.8 years ago
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    5,683 chibikitsune

    Just relax, okay. This is the Internet. Dont take it seriously

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @Strucker I don't like changing my way of thinking when something goes wrong. I tend to think that it simply means it IS wrong.

    After all, I'm far from the only one who complains about the community's standard for a "good" build.

    Too much words, I'll just say I'll exclusively build for fun from now on, rather than trying to pursue an elusive and not-necessarily-fair crowd taste.

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    16.7k DarthAbhinav

    Hear everyone out, listen to suggestions you find appealing, do what you want, @vcharng. That's the best way to improve whilst enjoying the game.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    Ok, sure, you build to impress people, I do too, but there’s also me wanting to build it for having something new and improving.

    That coming from a Gold, it isn’t the best message to convey. And twisting wishes? What is the point?
    As for being egotistical, there’s a negative attribution, it seems you want to feed off the attention you get, and to stop because you’re not getting as much as someone else because you believe it’s less deserving, which is a scummy way of thinking, and also that it’s doesn’t deserve as many as a build that has more features that you decide to add yourself, is entirely pointless. You’re more than welcome to try and defend yourself, but you’ve set yourself up for this.

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @TheReturningHound Well then this post announces that I'm returning to the right track.

    It started like 8 months ago where people are "encouraging" me to "improve"...
    and then I began to cater to their suggestions more and more.
    In the end I found myself to be making stuff that I don't really enjoy making.

    4.8 years ago
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    16.7k DarthAbhinav

    @vcharng That's literally what a sandbox game is about- making something you love. You had the wrong perception about this game from the very beginning, buddy.

    4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @Strucker If you think so ,so be it.
    I have listened enough and twisted my own wishes enough from the beginning of 1.9.
    It stops here and now.

    Sincerely speaking, why is "egotistic" even supposed to be a bad word?
    What's so wrong about putting oneself at first and foremost, especially when one really had enough?

    4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @TheReturningHound My point is that I have done enough to cater to what people tell me to do and from now on I will only do what I want to do.
    I have deviated too far from my philosophy in the past 6 months already and this has to stop.
    you can see that every time I asked "I did this and that, why doesn't it work (as in, why doesn't it translate to upvotes?)" people just say "BS you haven't done nearly enough"
    (or even worse, "when you tried, it is worse than when you haven't tried", like that retard comparing my H11K and my 803)
    And there seems to be no end of that.
    So if there's no end to that, I have to call it.
    And that's what I'm doing now. I'm calling it. All my compromises end here. From now on there will only be what I want to build and what I want to build only.

    4.8 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    I get your message, you just put off a real egotistical vibe.

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    16.7k DarthAbhinav

    @vcharng so, what you're saying is that this is a rant post wherein you cry like a sissy about the community not appreciating your amazing aircraft? Because that's exactly the impression everyone is getting off of you right now.

    +4 4.8 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    “ And my performance-wise, instrument-wise, livery-wise and technologically superior build gets less than half of that.”
    A bit arrogant, don’t you think? I don’t think it’s appropriate to compare your build with someone else’s like that.
    “ That's it, I'm not going to do anything for more upvotes from now on. I'm going to only make planes that I feel right and I feel to be of high quality.”
    That’s your issue. You should have never built for upvotes in the first place.
    “And he overlooked all the details and focus on the BS "shortcoming" that it doesn't have a trim.”
    You complain about not getting upvotes, claim your builds are so great, but they don’t have trim? I consider listening to criticism. Perhaps you can learn a thing or two.
    “ And I added trim to it. Not just trim, I even added a historically accurate trim wheel in the cockpit.
    And what did I get? 15. While even that previous "noobish" one got 27.”
    You know, the reputation you have in this community is also a factor that determines the number of upvotes you get. The fact that you complain and complain doesn’t make you look good. Also, from what I have seen, your presentation is less than great. Presentation is the face of your build and frankly, it’s probably the most important factor that gets you votes.
    “ OK, then, that's it. If you don't know how to appreciate then I will stop trying to impress you.”
    Again, you should try to impress yourself, not others. You shouldn’t be building planes for some silly internet numbers.

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    Originally I could've vented all my stuff in Sunday and carried on. But now you are lengthening my anger into the 3rd day by endlessly replying (basically harassing) me.
    There is a reason why this post is in "feelings" subforum. The subforum is for this kind of posts that you feel shouldn't exist. And that's exactly why this subforum exists, to act as a trash can.

    Now just allow the subforum to function, and leave.

    4.8 years ago
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