Title. When making a plane, do you prefer to make the custom wings with fuselages first and then make the wings with physics, or do you make the physics wings and then the custom ones?
Pros of custom first:
Easier to make as there is no need to make the custom wings look like the real ones
No need to test flight physics initially, so you can get all the wings made at once
Cons of custom first:
Can be unrealistic when you discover that you made your wings way too thin or too big for the plane
Pros of real first:
Flight physics won't be unrealistic, as you know exactly the correct wing shape to make your plane fly well
Cons of real first:
There is a need to constantly test the wings, even if the other parts of the plane aren't done
So which one do you prefer?
Laughs in FT flight system
Real ones first, as it fits with my building process which is as follows:
Fuselage > cockpit > wings > other
Real ones first then just strap on the visuals
I prefer real ones first. Making my plane look nice is not on my top priority when just starting a plane.
Custom then real.
I guess that’s a bit easier because it helps with shapes elsewhere on the plane like the roof shape for high wing aircraft, then, I makes the real wings and I size them to be the same size as the custom ones I just made.
Custom wing & then play with the physics
i do it a little weird, i start with the physics wing, then replace it with a modeled wing, then i redo the wing physics
Real wings first to get the shape, then model the custom wings on top of them, then delete the real wings and add them at the end to tune flight performance.
I personally do the real wings, then the custom ones. It’s always good to have a basis before you start