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Help to a scale human passenger part

270 Gfishiest  4.7 years ago

I need to make a tank, yet i cant determine how 'big' the tank is. I tried using a passenger part from somebody's post, yet i'm still not sure about the size. Can someone make a scale passenger part that is actually as big as a real human? Thanks

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    929 IssaIwan

    Yeah I thought the same thing, but measuring it’s a little under 6ft tall. It’s just perception making it seem small since everything is so upscaled. @Gfishiest

    4.7 years ago
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    270 Gfishiest

    @IssaIwan Ohhh so that part is actually realistic, i've had that part but i think its too small. Thank you.

    4.7 years ago
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    929 IssaIwan

    When making vehicles and aircraft, I just use the Dummy part. It’s now available in the build menu, so you have to download it from the website by just searching “dummy.” Then save it as a subassembly and you can use it for scaling. Or alternatively you can view the info for how large the vehicle is, and just use estimates for how big individual parts are by seeing how big they are in proportion to the rest of the vehicle.

    4.7 years ago
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    use fine tuner(mod) and select the part, then press "Scale Tool". 1 is default(you cannot change part scale by 1), the scale changes when its 0.9 below(smaller) or 1.1(bigger). Thats all i know :)

    4.7 years ago
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    270 Gfishiest

    @Omel errrm, i was asking for 'scale' passenger parts, which means that the passenger is as big as real life ones

    +1 4.7 years ago