Been a long journey
I think in order to celebrate this momentous occasion, I’ll make a forum post in order to remember things that I did and that happened. Like, a memory lane.
Thanks to all who upvoted my things, even in the beginning, even though I was producing something that wasn’t very good compared to other people’s builds, I’ve faced a few challenges, but I’m here.
For now, enjoy what you’ve received, I know I will. I’ve learnt a lot about things being in this community, and I hope to learn more.
P.S: No need to upvote this forum. Though someone will.
My Push To Gold For Anyone Wondering
No one's buying PHONES!?
What’s with the “Oh Dear”?
Thanks dude.
You do appear to deserve it tho tbh.
i can’t make any progress to gold because my project is taking so long :(
I just realised I wasn't following you, what the heck?
I look forward to it.
Thank you Hellosss, doesn’t change anything between us.
Thanks you 2.
Damn, that was hurtful :(
Just kidding, I'll delete the comments, just wanted to let you know on what I was working on.
Woo, now please, keep your plane to your own forums and that, I think you’ve done enough self advertising lol.
That makes me feel nice. @Strucker
Thanks, you’ve been a real support to me, and also a role model.
I upvoted it lel
Nice welcome to butter