Hello everybody! I am EuroFox, and before anyone asks... no I'm not a European furry lol. sorry to disappoint Anyhow, I just wanted to get to know some of you before I posted my first build! I'd post a teaser, but for the life of me I can't figure out how... hopefully one of you know! Cheers!!!
Well a lot of people have no idea what it is lol. That’s so cool that you know! Considering we have one of the rarest collections of W’s birds in the world I thought more people would know what it is @EuroFox4
@EuroFox4 Good luck, pal!!
@BlackhattAircraft Dude, how couldn't I know of it lol. I've always wanted to go down there and geek out over all their warbirds
You know it??? @EuroFox4
No problem.
@Veronica @RuvienRepublicCitizen Thank you for such a warm welcome! I look forward to my first upload
@TitanIncorporated @Planeacceleration @Sinacraft Thank you guys for the warm greeting! :)
@Plane66373637 @TrislandianAlliance @WrongFlyer Thx guys!
@TheMachinist I'll keep that in mind thx! ;)
@BlackhattAircraft You volunteer at planes of fame?!? Sweet!
@jamesPLANESii Oh good, someone knows what it is :)
Hi. I’m Blackhatt, I’m a AvGeek and I volunteer at an Air Museum called Planes of Fame. I’m not very good at building (so you probably shouldn’t ask me for advice) and I’m not to active anymore. Welcome aboard!
Welcome to the community... If you ever need help with a build or something let me know ;)
Wwlcome to Ssmileplanes
Anyhow, welcome monsieur, willkommen bei Simpleplanes (welcome to Simpleplanes), hope you enjoy your stay, and pop good stuff for us, talofa lee (Pleasure to you mister)
@TheMachinist definitely...
Hello @EuroFox4 !!!
Welcome To The Amazing World Of Simpleplanes...
@jamesPLANESii lol wth
EuroFox, the Kitfox that the rest of the world gets. 😂
@Noname918181 Oh :/ Thanks anyways
Anyways hi
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