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Account transfer

212 Galpinju01  4.8 years ago

I am dissatisfied with my current username, and there is no way to change it. I have some points from upvotes, so I don’t want to start fresh. How do I solve this issue?

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    21.8k Brendorkus

    If you want to start fresh, go ahead. But you can’t get back to where you were by transferring points, so you’ll have to do it by building your own things. Also, make sure you pick something simple for your username, and make sure it doesn’t have numbers. @RAAF

    4.8 years ago
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    Also, i know my content so far is pretty crappy, but I have been working on several detailed craft in both SimplePlanes and SimpleRockets 2 for months. Expect some good posts soon.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @randomusername Trying to find loopholes in the rules will generally end up poorly. Remember; we moderate on our own terms. We don't just go by the listed rules. If someone is obviously trying to get around them, we may deal with it as we see fit.

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @randomusername that and using alternate accounts to upvote things multiple times.

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @randomusername What you described I think by any reasonable definition would be an abuse of the points system - and if you didn't know it was against the rules, I'd see no reason to try to hide it by editing your comment 9 times.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @randomusername from the rules:
    "##Don't abuse the voting system
    - Don't tell someone: 'If you upvote my stuff, then I'll upvote your stuff.'
    - Don't make alternate accounts to upvote your own stuff.
    - Don't beg other users to upvote your stuff.
    - Don't cancel challenges that have successor points."

    Listed are some of the more common abuses of the point system. Points you give go to users whose builds you like. That's how good builders get more points than bad ones. Sympathy upvoting, gifting upvotes and similar defeat the purpose of the voting system.

    By the way, there's no use in editing comments. I can see all of the previous versions.

    4.8 years ago
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    @randomusername you really shouldn't abuse the point system. Offers like this one can get you banned.
    @Galpinju01 abusing the point system would be quite a stain on your brand new account.

    4.8 years ago
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    4.8 years ago