I've just built a fighter carrier 747 in SimplePlanes and attatched a small fighter to the top of it (the 747 has been uploaded, but not the fighter I used nor the fighter carrier variant of the 747) and everything was working fine, but both planes were being controlled at the same time after detaching the fighter from the 747, and the 747 and the fighter should be controlled separately after being detached, both planes cannot be flown by one pilot at once. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Detatching other aircraft on your aircraft without controlling both planes at the same time.
45 DojoFS
4.7 years ago
@TheMachinist Yes, but the left and right landing gears had no activation group selector.
@TheMachinist I tried to assign an activation group to the landing gear, I assigned the nosewheel to an activation group, but I couldn't assign activation groups to the left and right wheels. BTW, it's not called the Parasite Fighter, it's called the Wonder Fighter.
@TheMachinist And there's another thing, the fighter is still attached to the carrier, but the fighter's landing gear is down. How do I attach the fighter to the carrier with the fighter's landing gear up?