Your prayers have been answered...
Android is now available for these select 4 GIS maps!
Links to 1:1 GIS Android Ports (Click Name)
- The most advanced map of mine to date
- 8K textures overlayed onto multiple tiles for the best textures as possible
- King of the Mountains
- GIS III Accuracy and precise STRM Height data
Wake Island.
- Exploration map with ships and real-life buildings
- GIS III Textures
- GIS III Textures and precise STRM Height Data
- Includes local airport
Levels were removed from Wake and Rainier due to use of custom scripts
If you want to get notified when a new 7825 mod comes out for BOTH android and PC, please follow! Thanks!
Thanks to Inviticus for testing out the Everest one, and PlaneAcceleration for testing out the Wake one! If you find any errors in the other 3 please let me know ASAP.
Bigger thanks to Kakhikotchauri1. They helped someone with mods and that's when I realized how to make android mods, by using the older mod tools!
I've tried these on android and they didn't show up in the mod menus :(
i dont see it for android
What happened with those android version?
I'm happy you were able to find way to port these beautiful maps to android, and also I hope those people asking you for android didn't annoy you to much.
@An2k Rainier and Everest have the best height detail, but Elbrus has the best textures
Have fun!
@232287168147825 yeah tried rainier ...spawned with my hammer buggy on default spawnpoint explored a bit but fell off somewhere..i think its the edge of map..and tried the other spawnpoint....very beautiful spawned 5000ft in air in a car lol..if it can run on my old device surely others can
I would also like to know, if you can, tell me how it goes @An2k
Hoping my crappy device can run all of it
@232287168147825 not help I know how to install a mod, I am asking how is it now possible to install mods on android again? what changed? didnt they remove mod support in 1.9?
@Adityo0502 Creating Mods help/GIS help is available through Discord at 232287168147825#6844
@Adityo0502 1.9!
This is for pre 1.9 right? or do they support 1.9 somehow?
Devs: Impossible
I noticed a small rift in the Everest region somewhere at 7,300 something meters where passing through it will launch/Destroy any land vehicle