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5,465 Grandma  4.8 years ago

I need to make a sort of rope system using winches for easier mountain climbing, and every attempt ive made was succesful but since the very beginning ive been wondering "How would you set the rope up without walking up to the position you want" (you cant walk forward cause the angle of the mountain is too steep) Can anyone help me?

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    5,465 Grandma

    @SpiritusRaptor Yeah, a object on the other end thats heavy enough to not move when 4,000 pounds are being lifted to its place, I would like if you were to help

    4.8 years ago
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    Another thing to try is using a harpoon which is super heavy and use gravity as the anchor... I’m happy to help if you like.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Good idea. It needs to hit something metal though, like a bridge or structure

    4.8 years ago
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    5,465 Grandma

    @SpiritusRaptor I know that you made a harpoon barge and im thinking of using a harpoon like way to launch it up to the correct position, also can be usable by walkers cause we climb with those

    4.8 years ago